Fire Advisories and Extreme Heat

Fire Ban in Effect

July 10, 2024
4 p.m.

A fire ban prohibits wood campfires on public land, campgrounds and private land including backyard fire pits within the municipal boundaries of Canmore. Fire permits are suspended or cancelled, and no new permits will be issued. Failure to comply with a fire ban may result in a penalty of $5,000. To read the Town of Canmore’s Fire Bylaw, click here. 

This ban remains in place until conditions improve.

Report all wildfires to 310-FIRE.

Activity Restriction Level
Fire Permits  Suspended 
Safe wood campfires on public lands  Not Allowed 
Safe wood campfires in a designated campground  Not Allowed 
Safe wood campfires on private land  Not Allowed 
Safe wood campfire in backyard fire pits  Not Allowed 
Barbeque – Charcoal briquette  Not Allowed 
Fireworks  Not Allowed 
Exploding targets  Not Allowed 
Propane/natural gas-powered appliances  Allowed 
Indoor wood fire  Allowed 
Open flame oil devices  Allowed 

How to Interpret Fire Danger Risk Levels

During the high-hazard season, the Town of Canmore monitors the overall risk profile of the community by evaluating wildfire threat, high water levels, and drought/water restrictions. For the current fire risk, visit the hazard monitoring dashboard.

Fire Risk Level What it Means
Low Fire can still ignite but is not expected to spread to deeper vegetation layers or larger fuels, such as trees.
Moderate Creeping or gentle surface fire is likely.
High Forest fuels are dry and fire risk is serious. Moderate to vigorous surface fire is expected, which may spread to treetops. Conditions may be challenging for fire suppression efforts.
Very High High-intensity fire is expected and likely to spread to treetops. Fire is expected to start easily and to challenge suppression efforts.
Extreme Forest fuels are extremely dry and pose a very serious fire risk. Fast-spreading, high-intensity fires are likely, which are very difficult to control.

Help Prevent Wildfires

What you can do to help protect our community

  • If you see a wildfire, report it immediately by calling 310-FIRE. 
  • Never leave a fire unattended.
  • Completely extinguish campfires with water. Soak it, stir it, and soak it until it is cool to the touch.
  • Do not throw cigarettes on the ground. Put them out and discard in a bin.
  • Off-Highway Vehicles can start wildfires - check frequently to ensure hotspots are free of debris and make sure mufflers and spark arrestors are working properly.

Stay Informed

Bookmark or download the Alberta Fire Bans app to access information on fire advisories, fire restrictions and fire bans in effect across the province.
