Key Highlights
Accessory Dwelling Units (ADU), which includes secondary suites, garden suites and garage suites, are allowed in all low-density residential districts and within duplexes. New restrictions on unit size and height are in place, and at least one parking stall must be provided per unit. Detached Dwellings with an ADU are a permitted use in all residential districts (to provide further incentives to create ADUs). Detached Dwellings without an ADU are a discretionary use.
House Size Limit – House sizes are limited to a maximum of 325m2 (3,500ft2) on lots under 930m2.
A Steep Creek Hazard Overlay District restricts new development in high hazard areas, and requires the preparation of a steep creek hazard and risk assessment in moderate hazard zones. The detailed overlay maps show the hazard rating for each lot that is likely to be affected by a steep creek hazard.
Information Guide Envelope Method– is alternate approach to calculating building height that better addresses low-pitch roof designs on residential development of three units or less.
Driveways - where there is an existing residential lane, it must be used for vehicle access and parking unless a variance is warranted.
Signage - Mobile A-frame signs are prohibited throughout Town, however, chalkboard signs are allowed in commercial districts outside the Gateway District and Town Centre.