The Cultural Advisory Committee meeting schedule is determined at the first meeting after new members are appointed by Council in late October. Meeting dates, times and locations will be advertised on this calendar with a minimum of 24 hours notice. Meetings are held in the public.
Agendas and Minutes
To access Cultural Advisory Committee Agendas, click here.
Agendas are searchable by date when you are in the document library.
The committee is comprised of five to seven voting members. One member of Council, one public member who is a member of a Treaty 7 Nation or Region 3 Metis, up to three public members who ideally represent the business, education, and social sectors in Canmore, one professional cultural worker (employed or volunteer in the cultural sector), and one member of the under 35 cultural community. The committee includes the supervisor of arts and events or designate in a non-voting capacity.
The term of membership for public members is two years for the first term and three years for subsequent terms. The number of consecutive years served by a public member shall not exceed eight years. Committee members are appointed by Council in late October every year. Current members are:
Public Members
Brandy Dahrouge
Jennifer d'Entremont
Mari Hill
Courtney King
Micheline Maylor-Kovitz
Christine Moreland
Dawn Saunders-Dahl
Council Representative
Councillor Jeff Mah
Public Art Selection Sub-Committee
The committee is authorized to establish temporary public art selection sub-committees as required to evaluate submissions received in response to requests for proposals for commissioned artwork and recommend a successful candidate to administration. Selection sub-committees are comprised of a minimum of five voting members.
For more information email or for information about Canmore's public art collection, visit our Public Art web page.